Traude Holzer, an artist, musician, Viennese song singer, free spirit, cook and culinary expert, is the owner of a creative grocery store in Neuberg/Mürz. And our very first store partner at SOAVO. We spoke to Traude about the inspiration we can draw from nature and plants and her favorite ways to slow down.
Who or what is your greatest source of inspiration?
These are humorous people, open people, encounters with people. And nature, as well as films and music.
Your place smells good. Plant products are central to your offering. How do plants inspire you?
I lead a life in harmony with nature and not only follow the course of the seasons personally. My work in the Greislerei and the processing of the products also follow the phenological calendar, i.e. the phenomena of the plant world. From the beginning of early spring with the blossoms of the hazelnuts to the ripening of the mushrooms and fruits in autumn and late autumn. For me, over the course of the year, nature shows its wonders in even the smallest things. I draw inspiration from this.
What do you like most about your job?
Independence. It gives me space for creativity.
Does the muse and leisure simply come to you or is it something that has to be cultivated?
Honestly, I don't think about it much. I just let it happen...
What is your motto?
Naturalness and humor.
Are you a morning person or an early bird?
An early bird. Sometimes not entirely voluntary.
What did you want to be when you were a child?
Artist. This wish has come true.
Which song always makes you happy?
New Park Street.
Are there rituals that are important to you and a relaxed life?
Singing, reading and mountains. In the mountains, silence and solitude turn into intense experiences. Into perception without distraction. Such moments remind you of what really matters.
Which person would you like to have a coffee/tea with?
With Ferdinand von Schirach.
How do you reduce stress and find balance?
By hiking. By being quiet in nature. By reading an inspiring book.
What book did you last read?
Where the crawdads sing (Delia Owens). It tells the story of a girl who grows up surrounded by nature, wilderness and animals, completely on her own. And learns with and from nature.
What do you do on a surprise day off?
Watch movies and sleep.
What is the best way to recover when your batteries are empty?
To do this, I go into hiding, away from the hustle and bustle, from people, to the mountain or to the sofa.